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À°¾ÈÀû Ç÷´¢ÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation on Gross Hematuria

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 23±Ç 1È£ p.78 ~ 82
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Ãֹ鳲/Choi BN °ø¿µ¿ì/Kong YW


A clinical observation was made on 199 cases of gross hematuria who were
admitted to the Department of Urology. Capital Armed Forces General Hospital during the period from January, 1978 to December, 1980. The following results were obtained;

1. The incidence of gross hematuria was 27.5% of all urological in-patients and male to female ratio was 4.5:1.

2. The most frequent incidence of gross hematuria on male were trauma and calculus and infection on female.

3. The commonest disease of gross hematuria were ureteral stone, renal injury, renal stone and renal tuberculosis.

4. The most frequent incidence of gross hematurias were calculus and trauma under the age of 40 and tumor over the age of 40.

5. Etiology of gross hematuria were highest in calculi (30.7%), injury (27.6%), tumor (13.6%).

6. The sites of gross hematuria were it the kidney (48.2%), ureter (20.1%), bladder (17.6%). urethra (6.5%), prostate (3.0%).

7. Painless gross hematuria was 63.3% and the commonest cause was renal injury. Painful gross hematuria was 36.7% and the commonest cause was ureteral stone.

8. Total gross hematuria was 75.4% and the commonest causes were upper urinary tract lesions. Terminal gross hematuria was 21.2% and the commonest causes were mid urinary tract lesions. Initial hematuria was 3.4% and the commonest causes were lower

urinary tract lesions.


Ç÷´¢; gross hematuria

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