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Á¤·ù°íȯ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ H.C.G.·á¹ý 5·Ê 5 cases of the Cryptorchidism Treated with Hormonal Therapy (H.C.G.)

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 23±Ç 1È£ p.109 ~ 112
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À¯¼º½Ä/Yoo SS ¹Ú³ëÁ¤/Park RJ


5 cases of cryptorchidisms were treated with H.C.G. during the period from
Feb. 1980 to Sept. 1980. Among them, in 3 cases of bilateral cryptorchidism, H.C.G. effect was surprisingly excellent in doses of 5,500 I.U. of puberogen for 7 weeks, 6,000 I.U. for 4 weeks and 4,000 I.U. for 4 weeks respectively.

In 2 cases of unilateral cryptorchidisms the H.C.G. effect was rather unsuccessful, but seemed to be meaningful.

H.C.G. treatment was thought to be valuable prior to surgery especially in bilateral cryptorchidism.


Àẹ°íȯ; ³»ºÐºñ¿ä¹ý; cryptorchidism; HCG; hormonal therapy

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