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¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç¿¡ À־ÀÇ ¼¼Æ÷Ç¥¸éÇ׿ø¿¡ °üÇÑ °íÂû : ¾Æħ¿ä ¶Ç´Â ¹æ±¤¼¼Ã´¾×À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¹æ¹ý Cell Surface Antigen in Bladder Tumors: An Approach Using Morning Urine of Bladder Washing Specimen

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 23±Ç 2È£ p.182 ~ 187
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¹éÀç½Â/Paick JS ÃÖÇÑ¿ë/±èűÔ/±è½ÃȲ/Choi HY/Kim TK/Kim SW


The major blood group antigens A, B or O (H) are present on normal bladder, epithelium. Several recent studies have suggested that the loss of cell surface antigens may be a precursor of subsequent invasion of the bladder by tumor. Because the specific and cell adherence test demonstrates the presence or absence of these antigens the test may have an important prognostic and screening value. We have examined cells in the morning urines or bladder washing specimens for 7 cages of bladder tumors and 5 cases of normal controls for specific red cell adherence. Even if we have studied insufficient cases, our results suggest that a correlation exists between absence of the cell surface antigen and histopathologic dedifferentiation. And seen is a progressive logs of cell surface antigen as malignant potential increase as measured by clinical staging.
Key Word : urine cytology, bladder tumor, diagnosis


¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç; ¼¼Æ÷Ç¥¸éÇ׿ø; cell surface antigen; blood typing; bladder washing

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