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Á÷ÀåÀ» ÅëÇÑ Àü¸³¼± »ý°Ë 48·ÊÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical 0bservation on 48 Cases of Transrectal Prostatic Biopsy

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 23±Ç 5È£ p.695 ~ 698
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À̺´È­/Lee BH Á¤½ÂÈ­/Chung SW


Diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the prostate based purely on digital rectal examination will be correct in only 70% of cases. Transitional cell carcinoma also arises in the prostate, as may more rarely sarcoma. The fibrous prostate, granulomatous prostatitis and stone may also result in a prostate that feels firmer than normal. Estrogen or orchiectomy will be of no benefit in these condition and may cause harm. Histological or cytological proof of the diagnosis is essential.
Examination of prostatic tissue obtained by biopsy has been used to confirm malignancy or any type, judge the response of a tumor to either hormonal or cytotoxic manipulation and bacteriologic confirmation.

The transrectal prostatic biopsy was performed on 48 cases of oriental, from May 1979 to February 1982. The results are as follows.

1. The patients ranged in age from 25 to 82 years old and the percentage of patients more than 50 years old is 85.4% (38 cases).

2. The highest reason of referral for prostatic biopsy is obstructive symptoms (62.5% - 30 cases).

3. As shown in table 3, only in 2 cases the specimens obtained with Silverman needle proved inadequate for a reliable diagnosis even though in 46 cases the specimens were thought to be adequate. In 46 cases, the highest disease is B.P.H. (73.9% - 34 cases), 2nd prostatic adenocarcinoma (17.5% - 8 cases), 3fd chronic prostatitis (4.3% - 2 cases) and normal prostate (4.3% - 2 cases).

4. There were 7 complications of transrectal prostatic biopsy and the hematuria (4 cases) was the most common.


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