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Àü¸³¼±ºñ´ëÁõ 48·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ º´¸®Á¶Á÷ÇÐÀû °üÂû A Histopathological Observation on 48 cases of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 23±Ç 8È£ p.1127 ~ 1131
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±è°©º´/Kim KB ±è±â¼ö/Kim KS


The histopathological observation was made on 48 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy which had been admitted to the Department of Urology, Chung-Ang University Hospital from January, 1971 to December, 1981.
The results were as follows:

1. Histopathologically the fibromyoadenomatous type was 22 cases (45.8%) and the fibroadenomatous type 17 cases (35.4%), the fibromuscular type 9 cases (16.7%), muscular type 1 case (2.1%). There was no special difference between each histopathological type in age distribution.

2. Mean size of removed prostatic tissue was 81.1cm3 in fibroadenomatous type, 71.8cm3 in fibromyoadenomatous type, 25.0cm3 in muscular type, 20.0cm3 in fibromuscular type. The type of which weight was more than 50 gm was fibromyoadenomatous type.

3. Additional lesion such as inflammation, infarction or cancer was notedin I6 cases (31.9%). Inflammatory Change were present in 4 cases of fibromyoadenomatous hyperplasia and in 3 cases of fibroadenomatous hyperplasia. Infarction was seen in 2 cases of fibromyoadenomatous hyperplasia and in 1 case of fibromuscular hyperplasia. Latent cancer was found in 2 cases of fibromyoadenomatous hyperplasia and in 2 cases of fibroadenomatous hyperplasia. Inflammatory changes and latent cancer were present only in adenomatous hyperplasia and infarction in fibromuscular hyperplasia.


Àü¸³¼±ºñ´ëÁõ; histopathology; benign prostatic hypertrophy

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