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Sparganum MansoniÀÇ À½³¶±â»ý 1·Ê A Case of Sparganosis Infesting in the Scrotum

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 24±Ç 2È£ p.345 ~ 347
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ÀÌÁö¿ë/Lee JY Á¤»óÀç/À̼ºÈ£/±¸ÀÚÇö/Á¤¹®±â/À±Á¾º´/Jung SJ/Lee SH/Koo JH/Jung MK/Yoon JB


Sparganum is a parasite infesting principally in the cats or dogs, but human infestation was also not uncommonly reported. In Korea, the reported cases of sparganosis are over 70. We experienced a case of sparganosis in scrotum.
This patient, 47 year-old man, had had episodes of intake raw snakes for 6 years as a tonic since 12 years before. The removed larvae of the parasite revealed milkish-white color, flat, and glistening appearance. Life cycle and route of infection of sparganum mansoni are discussed with review of the literatures.


½ºÆĸ£°¡´®Áõ; sparganosis; scrotum

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