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Áߺ¹¿ä°ü 20·Ê Ureteral Duplication: Review of 20 Cases

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 24±Ç 3È£ p.439 ~ 446
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ÀÌÀº½Ä/Lee ES ±è¿µ¼±/ÀÌÁ¾¿í/Kim YS/Lee CW


Duplicated collecting system is one of more common malformations of the urinary tract. Incomplete duplication rarely causes clinical problem but complete duplication often accompany complication of varying degree. We herein analyze retrospectively 20 patients with duplication who admitted to Dept. of Urology, Seoul National University Hospital during recent 3 years. There are 5 patients under age of 15. Six were male, 14 female. Nine patients had complete, 10 incomplete duplication. In 1 patient complete and incomplete duplication were presented. Three patients had bilateral, 17 unilateral duplication. Common chief complaints flank pain, urinary incontinence with voiding, fever and hematuria. Five patients had urinary tract infection documented by urine culture.
I.V.P. was performed in all cases. Four refluxes were found in 7 V.C.U., Four ectopic ureteral orifices were recognized in 3 patients by cystopanendoscopy but not identified in 2 patients. Associated abnormalities were 6 extravesical ectopic ureter, 4 hydronephrosis, 4 ureteral stone, 2 ureterocele, 2 vesicoureteral reflux and pyelonephritis in 3 patients. Various surgical interventions were necessary in 17 patients, resulted in relief of chief complains. But 4 out of 17 patients experienced persistent urinary tract infection.


¿ä°ü; Áߺ¹Áõ; ureteral duplication

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