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¹æ±¤¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Inverted Papilloma 1·Ê A Case of Inverted Papilloma of Urinary Bladder

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 24±Ç 3È£ p.483 ~ 485
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È«Çö½Ä/Hong HS ±è±âÂù/¿ìÅÂÇü/±è±Ôȯ/Kim KC/Woo TH/Kim KH


Inverted papilloma of the urothelium is a rare, benign polypoid lesion which has typical histologic findings.
Microscopically, a nonpapillary urothelium covers the surface from which cords of same epithelium invert and extend deep into the core in an anastomosing pattern, always maintaining its benign histological characteristic.

Recently, we experienced a case of inverted papilloma of the bladder in 23-year-old male.


¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç; Àüµµ¼ºÀ¯µÎ¾Ï; inverted papilloma; bladder

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