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Á¤°èÁ¤¸Æ·ù 20·ÊÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Studies on 20 Case of Varicocele

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 24±Ç 5È£ p.913 ~ 918
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ÀüÁ¾°ü/Jeon JG °û¼®±¸/Kwak SK


A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilatation of the veins of pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord, which is usually best demonstrated with the patient in the standing position. Valsalva¡¯s maneuver brings out a varicocele, and assuming ever, after surgical intervention, the sperm quality is improved. The exact mechanism of the effect of varicocelectomy on semen quality is not clear.
A clinical study was made on 20 cases of varicocele during the period from August 1981 to July 1983, at Masan Korea General Hospital. The results were obtained as follows:

1. During this period, the total number of in-patients at Department of Urology was 598, among which 20 cases had varicocele, giving a rate of about 3% of total in-patients.

2. The age distribution was between 21 and 35 year, showing the highest incidence in 21 to 30 year (90%) age group.

3. The side of the lesion showed 95% in left, and 5% in right.

4. The chief complaint showed dragging pain and palpable mass in 90% and infertility in 10%.

5. In all cases, semen analysis was done preoperatively, among ¡¯which 70% shoed poor semen quality. Postoperatively eight cases of semen analysis was done with the result of 62.5% of improvement.

6. In all cases, operation was performed by Palomo¡¯s procedure.

7. No complication or recurrence was found in one year follow up study.


Á¤°èÁ¤¸Æ·ù; varicocele

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