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°íȯ Á¾¾ç 3 ·Ê Three cases of Testicular Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 1È£ p.131 ~ 136
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¼Û¿µ¼®/Song YS ¿ø¼ºÈ¿/¹Ú³ëÁ¤/Won SH/Park RJ


We have experienced 3 cases of testicular tumors since last 2 years, from June, 1981 to May, 1983. two cases were embryonal Ca. occurred in 22 years old male and 2 1/2 years old male respectively and another one was seminoma case occurred in 33 years old male. All of them were undergone inguinal orchiectomy and the seminoma case has been taken anti-tumor chemotherapy with radiation therapy and still alive. The adult embryonal Ca. case expired 3 months after operation and the child embryonal Ca. case is alive under observation.


°íȯÁ¾¾ç; testicular tumor

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