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½Å°á¼®À¸·Î ¿ÀÁøÇÑ ½Å¹è°Ô½Ç³» Ä®½··ù 1·Ê Milk of Calcium in Renal Caliceal Diverticulum

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 2È£ p.219 ~ 222
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¹ÚÈñ¼º/Park HS À̺´¼ö/¸¶»ó¿­/ÃÖÇü±â/Lee BS/Mah SY/Choi HK


A Milk of calcium is a well known finding in the extrahepatic biliary tree, particulary in the gallbladder, but rarely occurred in the kidneys. A caliceal diverticulum is a saccular structure containing urine and connect to an adjacent calyx by a narrow isthmus. They are lined with transitional epithelium continuous with that of calyx. Their origin is still unknown, but is generally attributes either to a developmental malformation or to prior infection. The diagnostic appearance may be lacking when the condition is present, since an errect or decubitus projection is frequently not a standard part of each roentgenologic examination of the abdomen or urinary tract. The management and treatment of Milk of Calcium in renal caliceal diverticulum is based on subjective and objective findings. Surgery should consist of eradication of the diverticulum lining and obliteration of communicating channel. We explored the kidney for the impression of renal stone, but could not find the stone, Retrospective review turned out to be the Milk of Calcium. We report our experience here in with review of literatures.


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