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¿ä °ü ·ù Ureterocele: Report of II Cases

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 3È£ p.337 ~ 343
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ÀÌÁö¿ë/Lee TY À±Á¾º´/Yoon JB


Ureterocele, a cystic dilatation of submucosal segment of the intravesical ureter, may be classified as either simple or ectopic. Based on our experience with 11 patients operated on during the last 14 years, the diagnostic findings and the operative methods were discussed. The results were as follows. 1. There were 6 simple ureteroceles in 5 patients and 6 ectopic in 6. Seven were female and four male. In simple ureteroceles two were on the left side, two on the right and only one was bilateral. In ectopic ureteroceles four on the right and two on the left. 2. Urinary tract infection was the most common presenting sign. 3. on IVP all cases with simple ureteroceles showed mild or moderate hydronephrosis with single collecting system, but all cases with ectopic ureteroceles revealed ipsilateral upper pole NVK with completed duplex system. Cystogram didn`t show vesicoureteral reflux except contralateral orthotopic reflux in only one case. 4. In simple ureteroceles operations were performed with transvesical ureterocelectomy in three, ureteroneocystostomy in two and remained one who was pregnant women was managed with excision of protruding mass using fine scissors. In ectopic operations were performed with upper pole heminephrectomy and partial ureterectomy in three, upper pole heminephrectomy and total ureterectomy with ureterocelectomy in two and ureteroneocystostomy in one.


¿ä°ü·ù; ureterocele

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