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Çѱ¹Àο¡ ÀÖ¾î ¿ä·Î°á¼®°ú ½ÄÀÌ¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿ªÇÐÀû ¿¬±¸ Á¦2º¸: ¿ä·Î°á¼® ȯÀÚÀÇ ½Ä»ýÈ° ±âÈ£¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸* Epidemiologic Study for Urolithiasis and Diet in Korean People Study for the Fancy of Food Life in the Patients with Urolithiasis (II)

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 5È£ p.605 ~ 613
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±Ç¼º¿ø/Kwon SW


Though the cause of urolithiasis has not clearly identified yet, it has been believed that diet with food containing rich calcium, phosphate, oxalate and uric acid components plays a great role in the stone formation, unless the combined diseases which have influence on the stone formation, are present. Hypercalciuria is a dominant cause of the stone formation calcium excretion through the urine is under the influence of calcium intake per weight and go diet with food containing rich calcium component, especially milk, may be the principle factor in the stone formation and milk has been restricted in the patients with urolithiasis. Previously we had clarified the relationship between urolithiasis and diversified and westernized food life with milk and dairy products in Korean people In this study, with the ground of chemical analysis for 100 urinary stones and existing result of component analysis for each food, we carried out to examine the fancy of food life with some foods, which is containing rich calcium, phosphate, oxalate, uric acid component and selected from the favorite foods in Korea, in the patients with urolithiasis and emphasize the role of diet in the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. The following results were obtained : 1. The result of chemical analysis of 100 urinary stones revealed multiple composition in all cases most part of stones (73%) were composed with calcium, magnesium, phosphate, oxalate, xantine, uric acid. 2. The sex ratio of male and female was about 1.7: 1 and the great majority on the age distribution was in 20-40 years (87.3%) in the patients with urolithiasis and the sex ratio and age distribution in the control group showed similar proportion. 3. The most part of the patients with urolithiasis (70%) was over than high school graduated on the school career 4. Generally the patients with urolithiasis had taken a scanty water. 5. The fancy for milk and dairy products was high in the patients with urolithiasis 6. As an accompaniment of wine, the patients with urolithiasis took mostly a fish containing rich calcium and phosphate component but control group took vegetables and fruits. 7. The fancy for food with high calcium component was higher in the patients with urolithiasis ( 29.3 %) than in control group (20.7%).8. The fancy for food with high phosphate component was higher in the patientswith urolithiasis (3O %) than in control group (22.7%).9. The fancy for good with high oxalate component was similar in the patientsand control group(35.3%). lO. The fancy for food with high uric acidcomponent was higher in the patients with urolithiasis (37 .3%) than in controlgroup (28%). ll. The fancy for good without calcium, phosphate, oxalate, uric acidcomponent was similar in the pa tients with urolithiasis (44%) and control group(43.3%) , but the Jistaste rate was hightr in the pati ents with urolithiasis(29.3%) than in control group (l4.7%). 12. The sex ratio on each statistics was notsignificant except the fancy rate for dairy products ( maHr edly higher in femalethan male) l3. Judging from the facts mentioned above, it may be believed that therelationship between urolithiasis and food life in the patients with urolithiasis,was present And sD in the patients with urolithiasis, anchovies, meats, cattle`sintestines, procestd foodstuffs of me. at, milk and dairy pmducts will berestricted, and sufficient water intake, mineral water, wheat flour food,potatoes, sweat potatoes, beans, vegetables anJ fruits will be offered.


°á¼®; ¿ªÇÐ; ½ÄÀÌ; Çѱ¹ÀÎ; urinary stone; epidemiology; diet

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