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À½³¶¼Õ»ó 34·Ê Scrotal Injuries: 34 Cases

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 5È£ p.645 ~ 648
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¹ÚÁ¾À±/Park JY ÇÑ¿µÅÃ/Han YT


34 cases of the scrotal injuries were evaluated from Jan. 1, 1980 to Jun. 30, 1984 in National Police Hospital on the testicular salvage rate in relation with the status of preoperative palpation of testis and early or delayed exploration. The rate of orchiectomy was 0 % (0/ 16) in group A(palpable testis in preoperative physical examination) and 55.5% (10/ 18) in group B(impalpable testis). In group B, the testicular salvage rate was 80% with early exploration and 0 %(0/8) with delayed explorations.


À½³¶¼Õ»ó; scrotal injury

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