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ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ½Å¼â¼®¼úÀÇ °æÇè Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 25±Ç 6È£ p.739 ~ 745
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°í¼º°Ç/Koh SK Á¶ÀçÇÊ/À±´ö±â/Â÷ÀÎÈ£/Cho JP/Yoon DK/Cha IH


"Recently, the modern surgical practice for the renal stone is being increasingly supplemented through the development of new technique. For example, hypothermic renal surgery, partial nephrectomy and extended pyelolithotomy were carried out by the ""therapy with the knife"". The percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy is one of the minimal invasive procedure to the renal stone surgery all over the world recently. This method is known as a safe, simple and reliable procedure for renal stone surgery, and they realize this technique as enormous advantage for patients; short hospital stay, minimal morbidity and rapid return to work etc. Three cases of renal stone through percutaneous nephrolithotripsy were carried out with much favour the first procedure in Korea. The first and third case were excellent result, but the second case was perforated on the uretero-pelvic junction of the kidney. There after, on the fifth postoperative day pyeloureteroplasty was performed with the splint of double J catheter. All the Patients were performed as the one session puncture, dilatation with telescopic dilator and lithotripsy with ultrasound lithotriptor. The two patients had 6th and 7th hospital day postoperatively. "


°á¼®; ¼ö¼ú; °æÇÇÀûÁ¦°Å; PNL; urinary stone

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