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¹éÇ÷º´È¯ÀÚÀÇ °íȯÁ¶Á÷¼Ò°ß Testicular Infiltration of Leukemia

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 2È£ p.183 ~ 186
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ÀÌÁÖ¼º/Lee JS ÀÌÁöº¹/Lee JB


Leukemic infiltration of the testes has been relatively rare disease. Rut increased survival due to advance in the treatment of childhood leukemia has been associated with an increased in incidence of leukemic infiltration of the testes.
Eight of 42 male children with acute lymphocytic leukemia who have been admitted to our hospital during past 9 years period, from January, 1975 to December, 1983, developed testicular leukemia.

This represented an incidence of 19% and the median age was 6.8 years.

All patient were symptom free despite testicular enlargement. The enlargement is bilateral in 4 and unilateral in 4. Microscopic finding on specimen were leukemic infiltration mainly in the interstitial spaces and atrophy of spermatogenic cells.


°íȯ; ¹éÇ÷º´; leukemia; testis

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