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½Å°á¼® ¹ß°ß¿¡ À־ Intraoperative RadiographyÀÇ °¡Ä¡: ¿¹º¸ Value of Intraoperative Radiography in Intraoperative Localization of Renal Calculi: preliminary report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.217 ~ 220
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ÁÖ¸í¼ö/Choo MS Á¤Àç¿ë/ÀÌ»óÀº/±è¿µ±Õ/Chung JY/Lee SE/Kim YK


Complete surgical removal of staghorn or multiple renal calculi is very difficult. So, intraoperative radiography for localization of renal calculi has been used to decrease the incidence of residual calculi We herein assess the effectiveness of intraoperative radiography using renal contact chassis introduced by Gil-Vernet. The images are enough to remove the residual stones and there is minimal radiation exposure to the patient and staff of the operating room. We removed all renal stones completely in 2 operations.
Key Word : localization


½Å°á¼®; intraoperative radiography; renal calculi

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