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°¨¿°µÈ ¿ä¸·°ü³¶Á¾ Infected Urachal Cyst: A Case Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.272 ~ 276
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¼­³ë±³/Seo NG À̼º¿ø/±è±¤¼¼/À̼ºÁØ/Lee SW/Kim KS/Lee SC


The first report of cyst formation in the urachal relic was contributed by Lawson Tait in 1883 and re- searches of R.C. Begg (1927¡¤1930) established the nature of development and anomalies of the urachus.
Originally urachus was part of the fetal bladder which was formed from the cloaca. In adult, the tract is located in the extraperitoneal tissue of the anterior abdominal wall in the midline between the umbilicus and the urinary bladder.

Incomplete regression of the urachus results in anomalies one of which is urachal cyst : mid portion of urachus is patent with both the cephalic and the caudal ends closed.

We report a case of infected urachal cyst confirmed by exploration and microscopic examination.


¿ä¸·°ü±âÇü; °¨¿°; urachal cyst; infection

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