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¹æ±¤Àڱ÷çÀÇ 2·Ê Vesicouterine Fistula: A Report of Two Cases

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.277 ~ 280
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°­Á¤±â/Kang JG À±Á¾º´/Yoon JB


Vesicouterine fistula is a rare condition, and almost of them result from surgical obstetric procedures. We have experienced two cases of vesicouterine fistulas, one of which developed menouria.
Herein these two cases of vesicouterine fistulas have been presented.

Case 1; A 29_year_old housewife had underwent dilatation and curettage at local clinic. Afterwards she has been noticed urinary leakage from the vagina and menturia. Cystoscopic examination revealed a small fistula at midportion of the retrotrigone and hysterosalpingography showed a fistula between the bladder and the uterus. Transperitoneal closure of the fistula was performed with excellent result.

Case 2; A 32-year-old housewife had. gross hematuria after bugination and curettage for interruption of midtrimester pregnancy and noticed urinary leakage from the vagina a few days later. A fistula between the bladder and the uterus was identified with cystoscopic examination, cystography and hysterosalpingography. A 24 Fr. silastic Foley catheter has been indwelt in the bladder for 4 weeks, but resulted in failure. Transperitoneal closure of the fistula resulted in cure.


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