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À½°æ ¿äµµ»ó¿­ÀÇ 1·Ê(Ãß°¡º¸°í) Penile Epispadias: A Case Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 4È£ p.387 ~ 391
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°­Á¤±â/Kang JG À±ÁøÇÑ/À±Á¾º´/Yoon JH/Yoon JB


Penile epispadias is extremely rare congenital anomaly. Four cases of epispadias. two of which were penile. one was penopubic and one was subsymphyseal epispadias, had been reported previously in our department. We have experienced another case of penile epispadias.
Herein this case of penile epispadias have been presented.

A 7-year-old boy visited this clinic for short, broad based ¡¯tent-like¡¯ penis with complete phimosis. The glans could not be inspected due to phimosis and a gutter was palpated between the two corpora. Voiding cystourethrogram revealed dorsally displaced urethra. There was no combined urological symptoms such as dysuria, frequency in urination or urinary incontinence. Urethral reconstruction by Young¡¯s method has been performed with excellent result.


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