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Å»»óÇÇÀ½³¶ÇǺÎÆí(Deepithelialized Scrotal Skin Flap)À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ´©°ø±³Á¤¼ú ¹× ¿äµµ¼ºÇü¼ú Deepithelialized Scrotal Skin Flap in Repair of Urethrocutaneous Fistula and Urethroplasty

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 5È£ p.489 ~ 492
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ÀÌ»óÀº/Lee SE ±è±¤¸í/¾ÈÇÑÁ¾/Kim KM/Ahn HJ


Eight patients undergoing closure of urethrocutaneous fistula and 15 patients undergoing urethroplasty for hypospadias were reviewed. Most of fistulas were presented in the penoscrotal level. Fistulas were closed using a deepithelialized scrotal skin flap. Of 8 patients with fistulas were repaired by this method there were no recurrences and 3 were performed without urinary diversion or urethral stenting. Of l5 patients with hypospadias undergoing urethroplasty using a deepithelialized scrotal flap there were no fistulas in the original urethral opening area but a fistula distal to the original urethral opening was found in 3 patients This technique is very satisfactory in repair of the complicated as well as the simple urethrocutaneous fistulas which can be done without urinary diversion or urethral stenting and seems to be useful in reducing fistula formation following urethroplasty in hypospadias.
Key Word ;urethroplasty, hypospadias"


¿äµµÇÏ¿­; À½³¶ÇǺÎÆí; ¿äµµ¼ºÇü¼ú; scrotal skin flap; urethrocutaneous fistula

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