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Èĺο䵵ÇùÂø¿¡ ´ëÇÑ È¸À½ºÎ¿äµµ¼ºÇü¼úÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation on Transperineal Urethroplasty for Posterior Urethral Stricture

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 5È£ p.493 ~ 497
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ÇãºØ/Huer B ¹ÚÈï¿ø/Park HW


Transperineal urethroplasty using the perineal-scrotal flap is recommended when an end-to-end anastomosis is not feasible, either because of a long stricture or severe scar secondary to previous operative failures. This technique seems to give better exposure than inlaid scrotal grafts and requires no special instruments other than the posterior urethral needles.
A clinical observation was made on 10 patients of posterior urethral stricture who performed transperineal urethroplasty in the Department of Urology, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym Medical College during the period from January. 1980 to January, l985. Among these 10 patients, 8 underwent by Blandy`s exteriorization operation and 2 underwent by intussusception into the prostatic urethra. The results in these cases. 6 had favorable results without voiding problems and 2 needed periodic urethral dilatation due to restricture. Impotence and incontinence was developed in 2 cases each other.


¿äµµÇùÂø; ȸÀ½ºÎ¿äµµ¼ºÇü¼ú; urethral stricture; urethroplasty

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