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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 26±Ç 6È£ p.605 ~ 608
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ÇÑ»óÁø/Han SJ ±èÁøÀÏ/ä¼öÀÀ/Kim JI/Choi SE


The causes of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in adult male are variable. In spite of various urologic investigations, the causes of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria is not identified in most cases, and most of identified causes are benign nature. So, it is very hard to decide to what extent should the evaluation of these causes be carried.
2l,157 cases was visited to the Department of Health Service, Kyung Hee University Hospital from January, 1983 to December, 1984 for evaluation prior to occupy at foreign countries. Among 21,157 cases, 131 cases was checked IVP for asymptomatic microscopic hematuria.

The results as follows:

l. Among 21,157 cases, 131 cases were checked IVP for asymptomatic hematuria and male all.

2. The range of age in 131 cases of checked IVP was 22 to 52 year, average of age was 32.5 years.

3. IVP was revealed abnormal in l8 cases (13.7%), that 12 cases of urinary stone, 3 cases of wandering kidney, 2 cases of caliceal diverticulum and 1 case of old pyelonephritic scar.

4. Endoscopy was done in 12 cases of 113 cases that was revealed normal on IVP, but there was no abnormal findings.

5. 1 case that revealed normal IVP and proteinuria was diagnosed mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis on renal biopsy.

As above results, IVP is necessary for evaluation of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in adult male. If IVP is normal no more studies are necessary.


¹è¼³¼º¿ä·ÎÁ¶¿µ¼ú; Çö¹Ì°æÀûÇ÷´¢; ¿ä·Î°á¼®; asymptomatic hematuria; urolithiasis

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