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191·ÊÀÇ ¿äµµÆÄ¿­°ú ÇùÂøÀÇ Ä¡Çè Experience of 191 Cases of Urethral Rupture and Stricture

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 27±Ç 1È£ p.129 ~ 136
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ÀÌ¿µ±¸/Lee YG ¾ç°Å¿µ/Yang KY


A clinical evaluation was made on 191 patients with urethral rupture and stricture, who had been admitted to the department of Urology during l3 years from l972 to 1984.
We have tried the various methods in management of urethral rupture and stricture, such as 1) simple traction by balloon catheter 2) end-to-end anastomosis 3) perineal traction on the prostate 4) immediate cystostomy, and delayed urethroplasty in urethral rupture; 5) urethral dilatation 6) internal urethrotonry 7) end-to-end anastomosis 8) pull-through urethroplasty 9) transpubic urethroplasty 1O) scrotal inlay urethroplasty 11) perineal skin flap urethroplasty in urethral stricture.

Especially, we have compared the primary realignment of urethral rupture with delayed urethroplasty Primary realignment with perineal traction on the prostate was most excellent in management of complete posterior urethral rupture, which had a low morbidity, complication, and cost. Immediate cystostomy, and delayed end-to-end anastomosis was good in management of complete anterior urethral rupture.

We thought that the difference of result after primary. realignment or delayed urethroplasty of urethral rupture did not depend upon the alternative of them but the degree of urethral injury, surgeon¡¯s skill and the adequate application of them according to the state of patients at the time of urethral injury.


¿äµµÆÄ¿­; ¿äµµÇùÂø; urethral rupture; urethral stricture

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