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»õ·Î¿î ¾ç»óÀ» º¸ÀÎ ½Å°áÇÙ 11·ÊÀÇ °æÇè Experience on 11 Cases of New Aspects of Renal Tuberculosis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.443 ~ 445
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Á¶±Ô¾ï/Joh GO ±ÇÄ¥ÈÆ/Kwon CH


The decline in the incidence of renal tuberculosis has not had any conclusive evidence yet in korea, and the disease has not been eradicated completely.
The clinical study was made on the 11 inpatients who showed atypical clinical findings of renal tuberculosis at Korea General Hospital, Seoul, Korea, 1982 to 1985. The clear diagnosis of 11 cases was established pathologically at operation. It is suspected that atypical renal tuberculosis will be lead to difficulties in diagnosis.


°áÇÙ; ½ÅÀå; renal tuberculosis

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