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°ñ¹Ý°ñÀýÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ ÇϺοä·Î¼Õ»ó Lower Urinary Tract Injuries Associated with Fractured Pelvis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 27±Ç 4È£ p.549 ~ 553
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¹Îº´ÈÆ/Min BH ÃÖÈñ¼®/Choi HS


We reviewed 241 consecutive cases of pelvic fractures at the lnje Medical College Paik Hospital in Seoul during the period of 5 years from Jan., l98l to Dec., l985 to establish the relationship between the lower urinary tract injury and fractured pelvis. Of 241 patients with pelvic fractures 44(l8.3%) had lower urinary tract injury.
The results were as follows:

l. The pelvic fractures occurred most commonly in traffic accident as 62.7% and the age group ranging from 20 to 39 years old was 55.2% of patients with pelvic fracture.

2. Of 273 pelvic fractures in 241 patients unilateral pelvic rami fractures were 47.2%, bilateral pubic rami fractures were 23.1%, acetabular fractures, and Malgaigne fractures in orders of frequency.

3. The most common cause of lower urinary tract injuries associated with pelvic fractures was traffic accident (70.5%), and followed by direct blow, and fall-down in orders.

4. From the view of fracture patterns the lower urinary tract injuries associated with pelvic fractures occurred most commonly in unilateral pubic rami fractures (47.7%), and the ratio of lower urinary tract injuries following fracture patterns were 29.4% of Malgaigne fractures, 23.8% of bilateral pubic rami fractures, and 16.3% of unilateral pubic rami fractures.

5. Of 44 lower urinary tract injuries the urethra alone were injured in 63.6%, the bladder alone in 27.3%, and the bladder and urethra both in 9.1% of the cases.

6. All patients of lower urinary tract injuries associated with pelvic fractures had hematuria, either gross or microscopic, and 97.7% of these cases had gross hematuria.


°ñ¹Ý°ñÀý; ¼Õ»ó; ÇϺοä·Î; pelvic bone fracture; injury

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