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À½°æÁö¼Ó ¹ß±âÁõ 4·Ê Four Cases of Priapism

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 27±Ç 5È£ p.711 ~ 716
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¹ÚÈ«¸¸/Park HM ±èÇüÁø/¹Ú¿µ°æ/Kim HJ/Park YK


Priapism is the condition of persistent penile erection, most often accompanied by pain and unaccompanied by sexual desire.
Recently we experienced four cases of priapism, underlying diseases were chronic myelocytic leukemia in a case, idiopathic cause in a case and bulbous urethral rupture in two cases.

Priapisms were managed by corpora cavernosum-spongiosum shunt operation in two cases, corporal irrigation with Hemovac drainage in a case and consecutive therapy with ketamine and neostigmine injection in a case.

We report favorable results with some review of literatures.


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