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À½°æ °ñÀý 1·Ê A Case of Penile Injury (Accidental Rupture of Corpus Cavernosum)

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1986³â 27±Ç 6È£ p.967 ~ 969
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¿ÀÁ¤¼ö/Oh JS °­¹®¼ö/ÀÌÀαæ/½Åµ¿¸í/ÀÌÁöº¹/Kang MS/Lee IK/Shin DM/Lee JB


One patient is described with severe injury to the penis sustained during sexual intercourse and reviewed the literature. The patient was 28 years old with chief complaints of painful swelling, hematoma, discoloration, detumescence of penis. This patient was performed physical examination, urinalysis, retrograde urethrogram, corpora carvernosogram in order to know location of ruptured corpus cavernosum and urethral injury.
Under the diagnosis of rupture of corpus cavernosum, the authors were performed immediate exploration with suture closure of the defect. The postoperative was not occurred.


À½°æ¼Õ»ó; À½°æ°ñÀý; À½°æÇظéü; penile injury; corpus cavernosum

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