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¿ä·Î°á¼®È¯ÀÚÀÇ ¿äÁß Calcium ¹× Prostaglandin E2, C-AMP¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ Urinary Calcium, Prostaglandin E2 and C-AMP in Urolithiasis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.85 ~ 90
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Ã־缮/Choi YS ÃÖÇÑ¿ë/Choi HY


Hypercalcluria is well recognized as an important factory in the cause of idiopathic calcium stone disease. Absorptive hypercalciuria and renal hypercalciuria constitutes two major forms of idiopathic hypercalciuria.
It is now suggested that renal prostaglandins influence internal hemodynamics and tubular electrolyte excretion, so determine the renal handling of calcium.

It is generally believed that urinary c-AMP which comes from renal tubular cells in response to parathyroid hormone stimulation may have an effect calcium reabsorption in distal convoluted tubules.

We performed the study to evaluate the significance of urinary calcium, PGE2 and c-AMP in stone formation. Urinary sodium, calcium, PGE2 and c-AMP were measured in 23 in-patients with urolithiasis under the usual diet.

The results obtained were summarized as follows:

l. 24-hour urinary Na was 120.6+- 49.7mEq/day(mean S.D), 24-hour Ca 202.8+- 68.3 mg/day, Urinary PGE2 625.6+-h 386.9pq/ml and Urinary c-AMP l2.9+- 10.2 nmol/mg creatinine.

2. There was high correlation between urinary. PGE2 level and urinary Na level(r =0.95, <0.005 by paired t-test).

3. There was high correlation between urinary PGE2 level and urinary Ca level(r=0.87, p< 0.005).

4. Urinary Ca level has no significant correlation with urinary c-AMF level(r=0.63, p<0.05)

Key Word :c-AMP"


°á¼®; ¿äÁßÄ®½·; ¿äÁßÇÁ·Î½ºÅ¸±Û¶õµò-E2; urolithiasis; urinary calcium; prostaglandin E2

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