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ºñ´¢±â°èÀÇ Ã¹Áõ»óÀ¸·Î Áø´ÜµÈ von Hippel-LindauÁúȯ 1·Ê A Case of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease Diagnosed by Initial Symptoms of Urologic Manifestation

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.126 ~ 132
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±èµ¿¼±/Kim DS ±èÁ¦Á¾/À±´ö±â/°í¼º°Ç/¿ø³²Èñ/Kim JJ/Yoon DK/Koh SK/Won NH


The von Hippel-Lindau disease consists of cerebellar hemangiomas and/or retinal angiomas associated with hemangiomas of the spinal cord, cysts of the pancreas,
kidney, lung or epididymis, and unilateral or bilateral renal cell carcinoma. The source of initial symptom is usually cerebellar and retinal lesions. And renal tumor tends to be the last of the major manifestations to appear. We report on a patient with von Hippel-Lindau disease, who was diagnosed by initial symptoms of renal cell carcinoma. In this case, three components of the von Hippel-Lindau disease were found, that was renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic cysts and papillary cystadenoma of epididymis. The von Hippel-Lindau disease is discussed briefly and the urologic implications of this disease are emphasized.


ÆùÈüÆ縰´Ù¿ìÁúȯ; Ç÷´¢; von Hippel-Lindau disease; hematuria

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