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¿ø¹ß¼º °Å´ë¿ä°ü 3·Ê 3 Cases of Primary Megaureter

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.147 ~ 151
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¹ÚÀç½Å/Park JS ±èõÀÏ/±è±¤¼¼/±è¼±¿µ/Á¤ÀçÈ«/Kim CI/Kim KS/Kim SY/Chung CH


Despite many reports on megaureter since the first description by Caulk in l923 there have been no clear definition and classification of megaureter that are generally acceptable to date. However, there seems to be universal agreement among many researchers in that the term primary megaureter simply implies a congenitally wide ureter and the condition can be divided arbitrarily into 2 groups depending on the presence or absence of reflux. Herein, we report 3 cases of primary obstructive megaureter with its clinical and pathological features.


°Å´ë¿ä°ü; megaureter

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