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À½°æÇÇ°¢ 1·Ê A Case of Penile Cutaneous Horn

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.153 ~ 155
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±èö¼ö/Kim CS È«¼ºÁØ/À̹«»ó/Hong SJ/Lee MS


The cutaneous horn rarely occurs on the penis and was reported only 43 cases since l854. The lesion is characterized by an overgrowth and a cornification of the epithelium, forming a solid protuberance. On microscopic examination there is extreme hyperkeratosis, dyskerstosis, and acanthosis This process usually develops over a pre-existing skin condition (i.e. wart, nevus, area of trauma or malignant change) and may enlarge quite rapidly Wide excision with removal of a margin of normal tissue around the base is the treatment of choice Recently we have experienced a case of penile cutaneous horn treated with partial penectomy.


À½°æÇÇ°¢; penile horn

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