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½Å¼Õ»ó½Ã ¿ªµ¿ÇÐÀû Àü»êÈ­ ´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ¼úÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ: 3·Ê Evaluation of 3 Cases of Renal Injuries with Dynamic Computed Tomography

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 3È£ p.413 ~ 418
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±èÈ«±â/Kim HG ½ÅÇöö/±è¹ý¿Ï/Àå¼¼±¹/°­´ö½Ä/Shin HC/Kim BW/Chang SK/Kang DS


Dynamic computed tomography was performed in 3 patients thought to have renal trauma. Computed tomography, particularly if complemented by dynamic recording has proved to be most sensitive procedure and to offer most comprehensive diagnostic assessment for the majority of renal injuries.
Ability of this dynamic computed tomography to guide assessment of viability of injured renal parenchyma is of great importance when determing the need for surgical intervention.

The information provided by the dynamic computed tomogram rivals and duplicated that generated by arteriogram, but the advantage of dynamic computed tomography is

less invasive procedure.


½ÅÀå¼Õ»ó; ¿ªµ¿¼ºÀü»êÈ­´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ¼ú; renal injury; dynamic computed tomography

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