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°ñ¹Ý Áö¹æÁ¾Áõ 1·Ê A Case of Pelvic Lipomatosis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 4È£ p.573 ~ 576
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À̱æÈ£/Lee GH ±èµ¿¼±/ÃÖÀçÇå/Á¶ÀçÈï/Kim DS/Choi JH/Cho JH


Pelvic lipomatosis is a self-limiting disease of unknown etiology. It has been defined as a nonmalignant overgrowth of normal fatty tissue limited. Primarily to the perivesical and perirectal space in the pelvis which may be to go obstructive uropathy.
Typically, urinary tract roentgenographys show a high, gourd-shaped bladder. Computed tomography provided definitive proof that pelvic organ displacement was due to excessive fat.

We present a case of this pelvic lipomatosis.


°ñ¹ÝÁ¾¾ç; Áö¹æÁ¾Áõ; pelvic lipomatosis

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