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Á¤³¶³¶Á¾ 1·Ê Cyst of Seminal Vesicle Involving Both Ejaculatory Duct

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 28±Ç 5È£ p.724 ~ 726
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Á¤Áø±Ù/Jung JG ÃÖ³«±Ô/Choi NG


Cysts of seminal vesicles are rare condition, according to Sharma (1969) et al only 13 true unilateral cases have been reported up to 1969 and apparently 4 were associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis They may be asymptomatic and discovered by rectal examination or may give symptoms of bladder irritation, perineal or testicular pain, urinary obstruction or ejaculatory disturbances. The diagnosis is mainly, based on vesiculography usually performed by retrograde injection of the vas deferens or eventually by direct puncture of the cyst itself.
Out patient complained of urethral bleeding and hematospermia, followed by left epididymitis. Both seminal vesicles and ampullas were visualized by the direct injection of contrast media into cyst, suggesting the involvement of the both ejaculatory duct and lower part of seminal vesicles.


Á¤³¶; ³¶Á¾; Cyst; Seminal Vesicle

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