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Á¤»óÀÇ ÀþÀº Çѱ¹ ¼ºÀο¡ À־ RigiScan-RÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ½Ãû°¢ÀÚ±Ø À½°æ¹ß±â¿Í ¼ö¸éÁõ À½°æ¹ß±â ¹× Áøµ¿Àڱؿ¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¹Ý»ç¼º À½°æ¹ß±âÀÇ ºñ±³°üÂû An Assessment and Comparison of Nocturnal Penile Erection, Audio-Visually Stimulated Erection and Vibration-Induced Erection in Mormal Young Adults

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1992³â 33±Ç 2È£ p.340 ~ 344
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To get the standard and standard and marginal rigidity of physiologic erection in young Korean men with normal potency, nocturnal penile erection (NPE) and audio-visually stimulated erection (AVSE) were monitored using RigiScan(r) in 30 young
with normal potency aged from 21-35 years. Vibration induced erection was also assessed by bucking.
@ES The results were as follows:
@EN 1. Regarding to NPE, maximal rigidity lasting for more than 5 minutes was 40-70% in 4(10.3%) and more than 70% in 26(89.7%) with mean¡¾8.02%. The maximal rigidity lasting for more than 10 minutes was 40-70% in 6(20%) and more than 70% in
with mean¡¾SD of 74.43¡¾8.02%.
2. Regarding to AVSE, maximal rigidity lasting for more than 5 minutes was 40-70% in 1(3.3%) and more than 70% in 29(96.7%) with mean¡¾SD of 81.30¡¾7.18. The maximal rigidity lasting for more than 10 minutes was 40-70% in 2(6.7%) and more than
28(93.3%), with mean¡¾SD of 77.63¡¾7.87%.
3. Twenty seven men(90%) showed positive response to VIE test, but 3 with normal NPE and AVSE showed negative response to VIE test.
Therefore, young potent men showed higher amplitude of maximal rigidity in AVSE than in NPE, and VIE test had the highest false negative response rate. The rigidity of 40% lasting 10 minutes was the loer limit of normal NPE and AVSE.


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