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¿ø¹ß¼º ¹ß±âºÎÀüÀÇ ÀÓ»ó°æÇè linical Experience of Primary Erectile Dysfunction

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1992³â 33±Ç 3È£ p.546 ~ 550
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For differential diagnosis of psychogenic from primary erectile dysfunction, we investigated clinical spectrums of 110 unmarried impotent as a retrospective study; Psychogenic impotent patients were 78 cases, and primary impotent patients were 9
@ES We concluded as follows:
@EN 1. 0 cases of primary impotent patients wee all classified as abnormal group in AVS-penogram, and 4 cases of venogenic or venogenic associated cases showed type II B (unstable) subclassification, while psychogenic group showed abnormal
classification in 66% (51/78).
2. All of primary impotent group showed abnormal results of Rigiscan, especially with dissociation subclassification in 55.6% (5/9), meanwhile psychogenic group showed normal patterns in 92% (72/78).
3. The most common cause of primary erectile dysfunction was vasculogenic impotence, 88.9% (8/9). Therefore, we can make confirmatory diagnosis of the rare primary erectile dysfunction in patients showing abnormalities in both nocturnal and
erction through full vascular studies.


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