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Varicocele has been considered the most common identifiable cause of adult infertility, but little has been known on the significance of histology and volume according to the grade in adults with varicocele. Herein, we have assessed bilateral
size before surgical ligation and performed bilateral testicular biopsies at the time of surgical ligation. The volume of each testes in adults with varicocele was smaller than those9 of normal adults and it was statistically significant. The
grades of
varicocele did not have a significant effect on differential testicular volumes, although the volume of the left testis in adults with varicocele was always less than that of the right testis. histologic changes were showed degeneration of
epithelium, focal tubular atrophy, and premature sloughing of germinal epithelium into the lumen of the tubules. Tubular thickening was seen in most of the cases. Spermatogenesis was generally reduced in patients with varicocele, but there was no
difference between the right and left testis. There was no correlation between the grade of the varicocele and the reduction in spermatogenesis.


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