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Roux-en-Y ileosigmoidostomy with or without rectosigmoid pouch was done to know how these prevent the reflux of intestinal contents into the urinary tract. Twenty one New Zealand white rabbits were divided into three groups, Group I of Roux-en-Y
ileosigmoidostomy, Group II of Roux-en-Y ileosigmoidostomy and end to side rectosigmoidostomy 5cm distal to the ileosigmoidostomy site. and Group III, same as Group II with the distance of 10cm. Direction of stream of bowel contents. frequency of
peristalsis and pressure of bowel segments were observed with fluoroscopy and urodynamic evaluation. When the contrast media were infused through proximal sigmoid, reflux of contrast media from colon to ileum was occurred least frequently (14.3%)
Group III. When the contrast media were infused through the ileal segment of Roux-en-Y, reflux of contrast media from ileum to the proximal sigmoid colon was occurred least frequently (28.6%) in Group III. These observations show double Roux-en-Y
ileosigmoidostomy with rectosigmoidostomy is one of effective mechanism to prevent reflux of fecal stream from urinary tract. The optimal distance be tween ileosigmoidostomy and rectosigmoidostomy sites will be a major factor to exert the maximum
antireflux effect.


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