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°æÇÇÀû ½Å·ç¸¦ ÅëÇÑ ¾ËÄ®¸®¾× °ü·ù·Î Ä¡·áÇÑ ¿ä»ê°á¼® Dissolution of Uric Acid Caculi with Alkali Fluid Irrigation Throuth Percutaneous Nephrostomy Tube

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 34±Ç 2È£ p.341 ~ 344
ÀÌÇü½Ä, ¼Õ°æ¾Ö, Çã¼ö¿µ,
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ÀÌÇü½Ä ( Lee Hyeung-Sik ) 

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We treated 4 patients with uric acid calculi in the renal pelvis or ureter with alkaline fluid irrigation through percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) tube. Initial presentations were anuria or severe flank discomfort, we performed PCN to relieve such
obstructive symptoms caused by uric acid calculi. We tried to dissolve uric acid calculi with normal saline mixed to sodium bicarbonate through a PCN tube. The success of therapy is believed to be related to the direct and constant urinary
alkalinization effect obtained with irrigation compared to be the intermittent alkalization that occurs when oral agent are used.


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