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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 34±Ç 3È£ p.519 ~ 522
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We investigated the significance of dynamic pharmacocavernosometry and cavernosography with vasoactive agent during the evaluation of comprehensive vascular impotence study.
Thirty patients investigated were involved under the impression of organic causes during comprehensive vascular impotence study after screening and noninvasive studies.
The causes of impotence were venogenic 16 arteriogenic 7, venogenic and arteriogenic 6 and neurogenic 1 case. The observed hemodynamic parameters were baseline intracavernosal pressure (ICP) :P1(mmHg), ICP 10 minutes after injection of papaverine
45mg:P2(mmHg), ICP under perfusion over the average systolic pressure:P3(mmHG), Induction Flow Rate: IR(ml/min), Maintenance Flow Rate: MR(ml/min), Intial Decompression Rate: IDR(mmHg), steady state pressure: PSS (mmHg) and Intracavernosal
R=(P3-P1)/MR (mmHg. min/ml). And cavernosography was taken with 100mHg ICP for identification of leaking veins and the sites. There were complications of subcutneous hematoma in 2 cases and severe intracorporeal fibrosis 1 case.
In conclusion, dynamic pharmacocavernosometry is relatively objective method of venous incompetence evaluation, while cavernosography has the meaning to confirm the presence and site of leaking. So we can say that they have the role of reciprocal
complement each other. But it has some invasive aspect and possiblity of complications, so it is desirable to restrict to a part of comprehensive imp0otence study.


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