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¿ä°ü·ù 7·Ê Seven Cases of Ureteroceles

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 34±Ç 5È£ p.914 ~ 919
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Ureterocele represents cystic dilatation of the intravesical segment of the ureter and there are numerous presentation and treatment of ureterocele. Herein, during the last 5 years we experienced 7 adults and children with ureterocele, four of
single system ureterocele, and the rest three are duplex system ureterocele. Diagnosis was made by IVP, VCUG, USG and Renal scan. In two cases of four single system ureteroceles, transurethral incision of ureterocele were performed, in one case
ureterocelectomy was performed, and ureterocelectomy with ureteroneocystostomy was performed in rest one case. In case of duplex system ureterocele, two cases were performed upper pole heminephrectomy with subtotal ureterectomy, and the other
performed pyeloureterostomy. All patients were followed-up from 6 months to 2 years and we gained satisfactory results. Herin, we reached conclusion that despite of numerous therapeutic options of ureteroceles, it must be selected based on the
pathophysiologic condition and on the preservation of the renal function of the involved kidney.


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