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Àü¸³¼±ºñ´ëÁõ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °æ¿äµµ ¿­¿ä¹ýÀÇ Ãʱâ°Ü¾ö Initial Experience of Transurethral Radiofrequency Thermotherapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 34±Ç 6È£ p.979 ~ 983
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Transeurethral Radiofrequency (TURF) Thermotherapy is a new acceptable treatment modality for benign prostatic hyperplasia. We treated 70 cases of BPH patients by TURF Thermotherapy (THERMEX-II)(r). Among them, we got a follow-up observation on
patients (urinary retention: 16 cases, non-urinary retention:21 cases) each at 1 month and 3 moths after treatment. Mean age of patients was 69.1 years and their mean prostatic weight was 40.5gr by transrectal prostatic ultrasonogram. All
treated single session for 2 hours without any sedation, and well tolerated with the temperature of 47-48¡É. We evaluate patients with Boyarsky symptom score, urine flow rate, volume of residual urine and patient's subjective symptoms before and
@ES The results were as follows:
@EN 1. The mean Boyarsky symptom score was 15.4 before treatment, it became 9.9 at 1 month and 8.8 at 3 months after treatment.
2. In the retention patients: Mean maximal flow rate was 6.53ml/sec at 1 month. 8.47ml/sec at 3 months, and residual urine was 70ml at 1 month, 57ml at 3 months after treatment.
3. In the non-retention patients: Mean maximal flow rate increased from 474ml/sec to 10.29ml/sec at 1 month, 10.76ml/sec at 3 months, and residual urine decreased from 60.7ml/ to 20m; at 1 month, 17.2ml at 3 months after treatment.
4. Complications were acute acute urinary retention (14.3%) and gross hematuria (8.1%), but it was resolved by conservative treatment. There were no urinary tract infection, bladder spasm or other complications after treatment.
We conclude TURF thermotherapy is one of the good and safe treatment in benign prostatic hyperplasia.


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