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¹æ±¤±ÙÀ°Ãþ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Schwannoma Schwannoma of the Urinary Bladder Wall: A Case Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 34±Ç 6È£ p.1076 ~ 1079
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Schwannoma, also refered to as neurilemmoma, and perineural fibroblastoma, is the most frequent solitary tumor of the peripheral nerves. It is an encapsulated sheath tumor consistiong of two components: a highly ordered cellular component (Antoni
area) and a loose, myxoid component (Antoni B area). It is usually solitary and may be benign or malignant, solid or cystic, encapsulated or diffuse. It rarely occurs in the retroperitoneal space.
We report a very rare case of Schwannoma developed in the muscular layer of the bladder wall and review the relevant literatures.


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