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À½°æ, À½³¶ ¹× ȸÀ½ºÎ¿¡ »ý±ä Fournier's Gangrane Ä¡Çè 2·Ê Two Cases of the Fournier's Gangrene

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 36±Ç 2È£ p.225 ~ 228
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Genitourinary gangrene is an uncommon, potentialy lethal disorder characterized by the abrupot onset of a rapidly progressive necrotizing soft tissue infection caused by the synergistic action of various orgaisms that spread along fascial planes,
causing subfascial soft tissue necrosis and destruction. Many factors, debilitating condition such as carcinomna, diabetes and alcoholism, contribute to the development and perpeturate the course of Fournier's gangrene. In our two cases,
causes were as follow; chronic liver disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, perianal abscess.
The patients were hemodynamically unstable and extensive necrosis was noted. After aggressive debridement of the wound and triple antibiotic therapy, general condition became improved and then we performed split thickness skin grafts and the
results of
reconstructive surgery were satisfactory.


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