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¸¸¼º Àü¸³¼±¿° ȯÀÚ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Àü¸³¼±³» Fosfomycin ÁÖ»çÀÇ Ä¡·á¼ºÀû Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis by Intrapostatic Injection of Fosfomycin: 6 Years' Experience

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 36±Ç 3È£ p.294 ~ 298
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The therpeutic efficacy and significance of intraprostatic fosfomycin injection in treating patients with choronic prostatitis were reviewed. During the last 6 years, 350 patients were treated with intraprostatic fosfomycin injection for chronic
prostatitis, and among them, 218 patients who could be followed up at least for 3 months were anaiysed. As for chronic prostatitis, when a patient's WBC count of EPS per high power field remains invariable below 15 for at least 3 months, he is
be cured. Intraprosstatic injection was performed once or twice in all parients and 153 (70.2%) cases were responsive to this treatment. But eleven patients recurre immediately within 3 months after the response. Therefore, final cure rate
65.1%(142/218) : Adverse effects were rare, if any, they were just trivial symptoms such as mild suprapubic pain or discomfort, transient hematuria and hemospermia.
These facts demonstrate that intraprostatic fosfomycin injection has much advantage in patients with chronic prostatitis as treatment modality compared with ordinary method.


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