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Ç¥À缺 ¹æ±¤¾Ï¿¡¼­ Silver-Binding Nucleolar Organizer Regions, Proliferating Cell nuclear Antigen ¹× Cytometric DNA AnalysisÀÇ ¿¹ÈÄÀÎÀڷμ­ÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ The Prognostic Significance of Silver-Binding Nucleola Organizer Regions, Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antien and Flow ytometric DNY Analysis in Superficial Bladder Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 36±Ç 4È£ p.359 ~ 367
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The proliferating activity of the cancer cells was estimated in 67 superficial bladder tumors (26 pTa and 41 pT1) by the silver-binding nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and flow cytometric DNA
analysis. The
clinical variances, AgNORs count, PCNA positivity and the incidence of aneuploidy showed no correlation with recurrence statistically. But cytology, grade and PCNA positivity had statistical significance for progression (p<0.05). Especially
cytology and
PCNA positivity showed independent predictive values in multiple logistic regression analysis. We analyzed the values with above mentioned method including intravesical chamotherapy. None of above showed correlation with recurrence statistically.
Cytology, grade, BCG therpy and PCNA positivity had statistical significance for progression (p<0.05). But none of those showed statistical significance in multiple logistic regression analysis. In summary, AgNORs count, PCNA positivity and the
incidence of aneuploidy may not have the value of prognostic factor to predict recurrence and/or progression if include intravesical chemotherapy.


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