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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 36±Ç 6È£ p.623 ~ 628
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Epididymal abnormalities have long been found in conjuntion with undescended testis. Undescended testis with a patent processus vaginalis are associated with epididymal abnormalities, but the incdence of epididymal abnormalities in descentded
with a patent processus ahs not been reported. We analyzed the patency of processus vaginalis and epididymal abnormalities of 37 patients (41 tests) treated for undescended testes and 78 patients (79 testes) treated for hydrocels. Epididymal
abnormalities ranged from simple epididymal elongation, epididymal angulation, disruption between testis and epididymal tail to more complex forms, such as epididymal/vasal atresia, complete disruption between the testis and epididymal head.
undescended testis with patent processus vaginalis 27 (71%) had an epididymal abnormalities compared to 12 of 37 (32%) hydroceles with patent processus vaginalis (P<0.05), and 12 of 38 (32%) undescended testis with patent processus vaginalis had
epididymal abnormalities (epididymal head separation and epididymal atresia) compared to 2 of 37(5%) hydroceles with patent processus vaginalis (P<0.05). Among 37 hydroceles with patent processus vaginalis 12 (32%) had an epididymal abnormalities
compared to 2 of 37 (5%) hydroceles with incompletely patent processus vaginalis (P<0.05). These data suggest that epididymal abnormalities probably contribute to both testicular maldescent and closure of processus vaginalis.


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