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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 1È£ p.54 ~ 57
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Total cystectomy was performed to the 40 patients with urinary bladder tumor who were found perivesical fat infiltration by computerized tomography.
25 patients were previously untreated, and 15 patients had undergone transurethral resection or biopsy of the tumor before computerized tomography. The histopathological stage was compared to the preoperatvie computerized tomography stage.
In pathologic specimen, perivesical fat infiltration was found in 62.5% of the cases, whereas perivesical fat infiltration was not found in 37.5% of the cases. In untouched tumors or after transurethral resection computerized tomography accuracy
demonstrated no significant difference.


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