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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 3È£ p.257 ~ 262
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By definition, PSAD is the serum PSA concentration divided volume of the gland, as determined from transrectal ultrasonography. If prostatic volume were the sole determinant of the serum PSA concentration, there would be no correlation between
age. We examined the relationships between serum PSA concentration, prstatic volume and age. Entry included 318 men over 40 years who have no clinical eidence of prostate cnacer.
The eman age of this study population was 65.2(range 40-89). The mean PSA was 3.94ng/ml and the mean prostate volurne 36.4cc9range 11-120). 85 men(26.7%) had volumes >20cc and levels >4ng/ml. When all entry included, the serum PSA concentraiton
correlates directly with age (r=0.2, p<0.01). based on linear regression analysis, the serum PSA concentraiton would increase appoximately 2.7% per ytear. The prostatic volume correlates directly with age(r=0.3, p<0.01). Based on linear
analysis, the prostatic volume would increase approximately 2.2% per year. Correlation between the prostatic volume and PSA was also significnat(r=0.1, p<0.010. Based on linear regression analysis an increase in prostaic volume of 1mL will, on
average, produce a corresponding increase of 3.2% in PSA. There was an increasing tentency of PSAD with age but statistically insignificant. The mean PSAD was 0.11 but 47men of 59 had >0.15 in levels 4-10ng/ml.
In conclusion, the application of PSAD in clinical field should be taken into consideration sereriously and interpretation of PSA should be include the corresponding variables such as age and prostate volume. The PSA welocity or age specific
range of PSA can aid in the application of PSA.


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